Tak přidávám zase pár "čmáranic", jak zní přesný překlad :-D Ta "trojka" je tam správně, "dvojku" dodám zase jindy. Musím to trošku prostřídat. A máte rádi motýlky? Včera jsem nějaké nakreslila a už jsou i naskenované. Jen je musím vybarvit a "nabalíčkovat" :-)
So I add you some doodles again. And the number 3 is right, the number 2 I´ll give you another time. And do you like butterflies? Yesterday I drew some butterflies and they are already in PC (scanner is an amazing invention). Now I must colour them and put them to packets :-)
So I add you some doodles again. And the number 3 is right, the number 2 I´ll give you another time. And do you like butterflies? Yesterday I drew some butterflies and they are already in PC (scanner is an amazing invention). Now I must colour them and put them to packets :-)
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