neděle 22. července 2007

News and a freebie

Kaciia má puntíkaté papíry a doodles.
Kaciia has dots papers and doodles.

Niiki a Mil mají pár kytiček a kit Love.
Niiki and Mil have some flowers and kit Love.

Natali má opět nádherné šití.
Natali has really very nice stitching again.

Lemonaid Lucy má pěkné rámečky.
Lemonaid Lucy has nice frames.

Blanka a Petra mají kytičkové freebie.
Blanka and Petra have a flower freebie.

A já mám pro vás neonové tulipány. Nezapomeňte mi, prosím, napsat komentář, pokud si budete stahovat.
And I have for you neon tulips. Don´t forget to leave me a coment please, if you will download.

7 komentářů:

Maria řekl(a)...

Thank you so much for the gorgeous freebie! This blog post has been added to the freebies list at

Maria řekl(a)...


Because the digifree blog is generated by a system, it can't tell your images from those of other people. I'm sorry it's not the correct image for you. If you make your preview image link to your download (i.e. if you click on it you get to the download file) then the system will be more accurate in identifying which image is yours because it goes somewhere other than a blogger file. It has to stay automatic because the idea is that it doesn't matter if there are thousands of freebies, the system can find many of them and get the images right the vast majority of the time. I hope this helps! I'd like to get them all right but it's not easy to automate. Thanks again for your lovely freebie :-)


kaciia řekl(a)...

Kačko díky za tulipány! Jsou parádní :)

PSharp řekl(a)...

Thank you for the Cool flowers.

mom2triplets04 řekl(a)...

Love the tulips. thank you.

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Thank you for the freebie

Anonymní řekl(a)...

Ich mag bunte Tulpenpracht in Frühjahr sehr, vielen Dank für's Teilen